Monday, 1 August 2011

3G; Loh Kok Jin: 17

  • How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and actions towards others, myself and the community?
  • What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?
  • Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and adult years? Why or why not?

The service-learning experience was definitely a memorable one. It was providing service and help for the community, for those less fortunate people. In our case, we decided on helping the Down Syndrome Association's (DSA) thrift shop by helping them to sort out wanted/unwanted books. We also raised money by selling ice-cream within our school in order to donate a TV monitor to their shop. 
With this service-learning experience, it made me realise how many more people out there need help. And how even little acts, which may seem so simple through our eyes, can actually bring a smile to these people. How joy can be so simply attained. 

After finally packing and sorting out the books for them, we all felt a sense of accomplishment, while ignoring the tiredness in our bodies. Having known that we have helped someone, it was truly a satisfying experience. 

Yes. Helping others is something which I would do for life. We all need help, and we all need to be there for each other. There is always someone out there that requires a little act of kindness by any one of us, and this act of kindness can be passed on from one person to another. Touching the hearts of the people around us with our acts of kindness, we can make the community a better place to live in. :)

Too much bs. :) 
This album has 1 photo and will be available on SkyDrive until 10/30/2011.

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