For our Service Learning, our class had chosen to help out at the Down Syndrome Association (DSA). During my time in the DSA in Tiong Bahru, I learnt how to better understand the people with Down Syndrome. This has allowed me to be more patient in my attitude. I have realized how fortunate I am. I am very pleased to contribute back to the society. Although this is a "no thank you" job, I feel that I have done something meaningful. This has widened my field of vision and enabled me to better coopoerate with different people with differnt needs. I have also learnt to appreciate all that I have and I should not take things for granted. We also raised money by selling 'Kings' ice-cream within our school in order to donate a TV monitor to their thrift shop. I can still recall vividly the smiles on their faces as we sorted the books back into the thrift shop. I will continue to stay involved in the community to make a difference in the lives of the less privileged. I will always contribute back to the society, even when we are busy at work. There will always someone out there in need of our help and we should always be there to help them out to let them have a better live.
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