Tuesday, 2 August 2011

3GLow Feng Yi(18)

1)How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and actions towards others, myself and the community?
We must constantly remind ourselves that there are many other people out there who would really appreciate our help. We must not take what we have for granted. What really changed is my awareness that there are actually people that needs help and  not everyone is as perfect.
2)What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?
The best thing is bringing joy to other people, especially the less fortunate. After completing every task(eg. srting of books), there is the feeling of satisfaction and it is just great. I learnt that just by doing something so simple can bring so much relief and perhaps joy to someone, hence ifeel that doing community dervice is a good thing.
3) Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and adult years? Why or why not?
 Yes. Staying involved in community is a lifelong thing. There are countless people in the community who needs our help. What goes around comes around. When we help people, we would get help in return when we need it. With our little deeds of kindness, we can make somebody's day. Hence, we must always be constantly giving back to the community.

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